About No Waste Network

No Waste Network is an initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality aimed at entrepreneurs and organisations in the food chain. Our mission is to increase the value of residual food and reduce food waste.

In close collaboration with Alliantie Verduurzaming Voedsel, Wageningen UR and other stakeholders we bring news, inspiration and research in an inspirational way to reduce food waste under the radar.

Do you want to take the challenge on and get to work? Through this platform you can find inspiring examples, interesting partners, useful tools and new initiatives from companies in your industry to achieve your goal even faster.

We are interested in your experiences and input, so please feel free to contact us. For any questions we’d like to get you in contact with the relevant parties. We’d like to refer consumers to the Voedingscentrum, Milieu Centraal and Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling.


Curious about all our partners? View the entire list here:

A question, idea or remark? Get in touch with us:

No Waste Network collaborates with: