Measures & monitors
Measuring loss is essential in the reduction of food waste. This counts for everyone that’s seriously getting to work with reducing food waste. After all, measuring is knowing. Insights into food waste figures provide guidance for the implementation of targeted campaigns.
Consumers are helped with this by the Voedingscentrum and Milieu Centraal. In order to tackle the fight against food waste, in 2014 the FoodBattle-relay was organized. For 3 weeks consumers record daily how much food they throw away. The FoodBattle helps with easy to apply tips and tools. Results are compared with the whole group. After a period of three weeks, participants appeared to waste around 20% less food.
More and more entrepreneurs discover how much there is to gain by tackling food waste. That starts with measuring. In order to help you, on this website you can find practical tips, good examples and handy tools. Additionally, under the heading relevant research you’ll find an overview of studies undertaken in your industry. Head to the website of Wageningen UR to find reports and publications, they can also help you with questions about figures and research.
On top of smarter and more efficient solutions for their own business operations, entrepreneurs can join forces to collectively help consumers waste less food. That can happen through raising awareness. The provision of information about shelf-life and saving products or offering guidelines or smart packaging giving consumers better portion control when buying and cooking.
In the Agenda has indicated to the Sustainable Food Alliance that it’s committed to providing supply chain partners with insights regarding waste. This fits in with the trend that transparency continues to become the norm.