05-02-2016 | Walmart owned English supermarket chain Asda introduces the first ever wonky veg box in UK. The wonky veg box is put on sale for about thirty percent less rate than its regular counterpart. The cost for the wonky veg box for a family of four is around £3.50.  The wonky vegetable box will be on sale starting today in Asda’s stores across the country. The box contains potatoes and carrots enough to feed a family of four for an entire week. The vegetable box contains in season salad ingredients and winter vegetables for a price cheaper than normal choices.

Asda launched wonky vegetables and fruits in its supermarkets last year January as a part of its collaboration with chef Jamie Oliver and farmer Jimmy Doherty. The duo visited Asda’s offering as a part of their latest series of the famous Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast on Channel 4 and challenged Asda to extend the range. The vegetables have been chosen from farmer’s crops since there are a fairly good amount of misshapen produce among them. The vegetables in the box include carrots, potatoes, peppers, cucumber, cabbage, leeks, parsnips and onions. some of them are smaller or bigger than the average and some has growth cracks as well.

The shoppers will have to spend more time on peeling the vegetables due to the anomalies in its shape, which is the major disadvantage in opting for wonky veggies. In some cases the vegetables might not be useful as well.  Figures from the government-backed Waste Resources Action Programme (Wrap) states that of the total food wasted in the country, over 200,000 tonnes comes from the stores, which is over one percent of the total wastage. More than half of the food thrown away in UK every year is disposed in home’s, the reports says. Each year an estimated 15m tonnes of food are thrown away in the UK alone.

Source: internationalsupermarketnews.com