3 ways to use technology to identify food waste

3 ways to use technology to identify food waste

25-09-2015 | Americans squander the equivalent of $165 billion each year by tossing out food. Waste is especially prevalent in restaurants, where diners leave about 17 percent of their food uneaten, according to a report from the Natural Resources Defense Council....
The Food Waste Fight Needs New Publicity

The Food Waste Fight Needs New Publicity

22-09-2015 | The data is clear. Nearly 40 percent of the food produced in America shamefully never reaches our dinner tables — let alone our digestive tracts. Beyond trite food-pantry donation models and expensive city-wide composting campaigns to influence household...
Why do we waste so much food, and how can we do better?

Why do we waste so much food, and how can we do better?

24-09-2015 | If you haven’t thought much about food waste, now is the time. America wastes epic amounts of food: 133 billion pounds worth $162 billion annually, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And consumers shoulder the most blame. Americans toss on...
Turn Food Waste Into Ice Cream for Fun and Profit

Turn Food Waste Into Ice Cream for Fun and Profit

15-09-2015 | When Obama administration officials announce the nation’s first-ever goals for reducing wasted food Wednesday morning, most people probably think of donating surplus food to charity. But a new study from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania,...