The UN World Food Organisation announced that 16th October will be World Food Day. This day takes on worldwide challenges in the area of food. This should encourage people to think about a more sustainable and healthier eating pattern to keep the planet inhabitable. This event is organised by I4NATURE and is especially targeted towards young people. This year the event is organised in collaboration with the Ede community.
It promises to be a full programme with the making of lunch, artists, comedians and debates. Young people are also asked to think about challenges and issues. The specific question is as follows: ‘’Zero waste challenge, how do you overcome food waste at home?’’ This is about various moments in daily life where young people are confronted with the wasting of food: the cantine, restaurants, home etc. They are challenged to think about solutions.
The day starts at 12.00 and ends at 16:00. Read more about the event, or more tips? Visit the site of Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling, or Youth World Food Day.
Sign up!
Source: Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling
Image: Pexels