Eggshells, tomato peels and many other different types of food that are being thrown out can be reused and turned into sustainable rubber. This rubber can be used in tires as found by researchers a while ago.
The material that would usually be used to fill the rubber tires can actually be replaced by food waste and other trash items. This makes for an excellent alternative to the usual petroleum. Next to being useful for making tires, food waste can also be used to serve as a further component of other rubber materials.
Cindy Barrera was part of the team that conducted the research She explained that types of materials that are usually used in rubber fillers can make the rubber stronger, but on the other hand also less flexible.
Petroleum filling
In tires, around 30 percent is made up of carbon black, which is a filler with a petroleum basis. Replacing this material with food waste is excellent for the environment, since carbon black is becoming scarce and often has to be brought in from overseas. Next to this, petroleum fillers are a lot less sustainable than the fillers made up of food waste and other trash items.
In the United States nearly 100 billion eggs are consumed every year according to the USDA. In commercial food factories half of those eggs are used, and the shells can be collected there easily.
Why they work well
Because eggshells have a very porous structure, they offer a relatively large surface area. This can be beneficial for their use in the making of filling for the rubber tires. Tomato peels are also beneficial in the process. They remain stable at higher temperatures. Because of this they give beneficial qualities to the tires, and makes them able to perform better.
Source text: Livescience
Source image: Unsplash