In practice
Do you also want to get to work with reducing food waste and the optimal valorisation of your residual product flows?
Together with your organisation and our network partners, we can support you in many different ways. Through the links below categories you’ll find various guides to be able to get to work quickly. Through the below parties you can get in contact with projects that are already actively preventing food waste and optimally valorising residual product flows.
The Alliantie Verduurzaming Voedsel and the ministry of Landbouw, Natuur & Voedselkwaliteit are aligned by their feeling of urgency in relation to improving sustainability within the food supply chain. The Alliance and the ministry have therefore outlined an agenda together for the period of 2013 to 2016, which will form the basis for the period to 2020.
The Alliantie Verduurzaming Voedsel prepares itself for the acceleration of sustainability in all large food supply chains. Optimalisation of residual product flows, counteraction of food waste and increasing sustainability in the meat supply chain are projects that they work on. Supply chain partners LTO, FNLI, CBL, KHN and Veneca work within that on the sustainability transition in all large supply chains.
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The Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelenhandel is the representative and spokesperson of supermarkets and food service businesses in the Netherlands. In order to take on the sustainability theme collectively the CBL has composed a sustainability agenda. By adding new theme’s to this agenda every year, the supermarket industry pro-actively aligns itself with the demands of society.
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Veneca’s goal is to look after the economic and social interests of their companies and the catering sector. Veneca and their members concentrate especially on the aspects of sustainability where it’s possible to have a direct influence. This way, together with suppliers, the possibilities are looked at within the area of food waste.
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Koninklijke Horeca Nederland (KHN) is the largest hospitality representative in the Netherlands. With 246 branches throughout the Netherlands we represent around 20,000 hospitality businesses with almost 200,000 employees.
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The Federatie Nederlandse Levensmiddelen Industrie (FNLI) is the umbrella organisation for companies and organisations in the Dutch food industry (food and non-food). The FNLI is the mouthpiece for companies and organisations and the point of contact for trade partners, NGO’s, government, politics and media.
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An entrepreneurs and employers organsation with added value, for a sector with added value. That’s Land- en Tuinbouw Organisatie Nederland (LTO). The cooperation circle of LTO Noord, ZLTO and LLTB represents almost 50,00 agricultural businesses and is committed to their economic and societal position.
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ZLTO is an association for businesses in the green space. In Noord-Brabant, Zeeland en Zuid-Gelderland we represent almost 17,000 members which we support with the realisation of a sustainable position in the market and society.
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The Voedingscentrum is the authority that scientifically supports consumers and independently offers information about a healthy, safe and more sustainable food choice. The Voedingscentrum promotes healthy and more sustainable food to consumers and encourages the business community to work for more responsible food supply.
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Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research works together with national and international businesses, government, consumers and other knowledge institutes on sustainable innovative processes and products that can be used quickly and effectively. With knowledge across the whole supply chain, from raw materials to production and process methods, logistical issues and final products, WUR helps their clients with finding solutions for problems both large and small.
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Milieu Centraal is an independent information organisation that offers consumers practical information about the environment and energy in daily life; from rubbish to solar panels. All tips and advice are based on scientific research. In the area of food, Milieu Centraal gives information about reducing food waste and making climate conscious choices. Milieu Centraal works together with socio-cultural organisations, businesses, the government and media and informs around 5,000 consumers per day via and other websites.
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