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We have to move towards a more sustainable food system
A new research report shows that we need to change the way we produce and distribute food to ensure better food security in the future. This is concluded by European scientists concerned with the question of how this change should take place. Katrien Termeer,...
Using the Internet of Things to combat food waste in the ‘fresh’ industry
The way in which we manage the conditions during the transport of fresh products causes big losses in value. Fruit transport alone, for example, involves a value loss of 5-8%. TNO and Wageningen Food & Biobased Research are responsible for a new study in which...
British research about tackling food waste in supermarkets
A recent research from the British WRAP (Waste & Resource Action Programme) shows that supermarkets in the UK can reduce a large share of consumer food waste by taking measures. One of the points is a reduction of €4.7 bln in food that's thrown away. This can be...